In 2007, Karen and Mike McDivitt launched the community-outreach branch of their firm, McDivitt Makes a Difference, with a focus on two main initiatives: safety and education. Each year, McDivitt Law Firm not only supports its existing efforts in safety and education, but it finds new ways to help the community. And these efforts do not just exist at a corporate level. Each team member at McDivitt Law Firm pitches in one way or another to help out – whether it’s through donating their time to build homes for Habitat for Humanity, or raising money for organizations like the American Heart Association – we are a firm that believes in doing right by people, each day at work, and when we’re not at work. We are all proud community members of Colorado.

“McDivitt Makes A Difference” video PSA contest
Each year, McDivitt Law Firm holds a state-wide PSA contest in the spring for high school students in Colorado. One of the biggest goals of McDivitt Makes a Difference is to keep our roads safe for everyone in the community, and this PSA contest is designed to help high school students send an effective safe-driving message to their peers.

Smart ride home
For more than twelve years, McDivitt Law Firm has been providing free cab rides home to residents in Colorado Springs and Pueblo, to help ensure the roads are safe for everyone in our community. The program is offered on New Year’s Eve.

In our community
McDivitt’s community outreach is not limited to corporate donations to worthwhile causes, but includes the time and effort given by all McDivitt team members who work hard throughout the year to volunteer at local non-profits and raise money for a host of organizations.

In our schools
Education is one of the most important initiatives for “McDivitt Makes a Difference”, and our firm does its best to seek out areas where our dollars, our time, and our efforts will go far.

Drive Smart Colorado video PSA contest
McDivitt Law Firm is a proud sponsor of Drive Smart Colorado’s High School Traffic Safety Challenge. Our firm is in charge of the video PSA contest portion of the challenge.