Serving Denver, Aurora, Pueblo & Colorado Springs for over 40 years
If you or a loved one were injured while riding a bicycle, the Colorado bicycle accident lawyers at McDivitt Law Firm can help. Our law firm has over 40 years of experience helping families in Colorado hold negligent drivers responsible for not properly sharing the road or paying attention. Smartphone technology means that drivers have been more distracted than ever, which puts cyclists in danger every day. McDivitt Law Firm is here to ensure that you receive adequate compensation to address any injuries or medical bills you experience.
Do I need an attorney after getting injured while riding a bicycle?
Colorado Revised Statute 42-4-1412 states that cyclists have the same rights and duties as that of any driver of a vehicle. Despite following the laws, cyclists can still find themselves injured due to a negligent driver. Injuries sustained after being hit by a car are often serious and you may need not only need to seek medical attention but legal assistance as well.

Bicycle injury FAQs
What do I do if I have been in a bicycle accident?
Being hit by a car while riding your bike can cause very serious injuries. You should treat a car and bicycle collision like a regular car crash. Be sure to get the insurance, vehicle description, and drivers license information from the person who hit you. In any crash, it is always best to have the police come to the scene and draft a police report. Having one can be essential to your case.
How will we pursue damages from insurance? My bicycle doesn’t have insurance coverage like my car does.
Our attorneys have experience searching for all possible options to recover compensation for your injuries after an accident. Even if you weren’t driving, the at-fault driver’s insurance company can be liable for the damages. You may also have a UM/UIM policy that can assist you if the driver is uninsured or has a small policy. Learn more about UM/UIM coverage on this blog.
What evidence Is needed in a bicycle case?
A police report is always a great piece of evidence because it provides information from the incident from a third party. Pictures of the scene can also be a great piece of evidence for your case.
As your case progresses and you continue to receive treatment for your injuries, we will keep track of all your medical bills. This evidence will help us present the extent in which your injuries affected your life.
Why choose McDivitt Law Firm
For over 40 years, the bicycle accident and injury lawyers at McDivitt Law Firm have supported bicycle accident victims and their families as they heal from this traumatic and often life-altering experience. We are able to quickly build a solid case for our clients that is designed to recover maximum compensation. After a bicycle accident, we work quickly to get you and your loved ones the money you need to pay for medical expenses and recovery. We aren’t afraid to take on large insurance companies and hold negligent drivers accountable.
Case study
A McDivitt client was riding a bike down a Denver street when a vehicle pulled out of a parked position on the right side of the road. The driver was attempting to make a U-Turn. The at-fault driver never saw our client before the collision and his insurance company denied liability.
Our legal team was able to find the driver’s personal website, in which he stated he did not follow traffic laws, among other evidence that would be detrimental to the defense. We presented this information to the at-fault driver’s insurance company and told them that we were happy to take the case to litigation. As a result, we were able to settle our client’s case without needing to file suit.
Our client recovered more than three times the dollar amount of his medical bills with the help of the McDivitt legal team.
How can I ensure I receive adequate compensation for my bicycle accident injury?
To ensure you receive fair compensation after a bicycle accident injury, you need to work with a bicycle injury lawyer. Here’s exactly how doing so boosts your chances of being compensated.
The first thing a bicycle injury lawyer will nail down is your claim’s total value. Bike accident victims often underestimate the value of their case. Typically, people only pursue a settlement covering crash-related medical treatments. An experienced lawyer knows all the factors that go into calculating compensation. In addition to medical expenses, they’ll consider pain and suffering, long-term recovery, emotional damages, and more. These extra factors can raise the final value of your settlement.
Lawyers do more than bump up your compensation amount; they greatly increase your chances of getting a settlement at all. One way they do this is by analyzing and submitting injury evidence. A good bicycle accident injury lawyer will collect medical records, witness statements, accident reports, and more to prove you weren’t to blame for the crash. With strong evidence in hand, you stand a much better chance of receiving a settlement.
Finally, a lawyer is invaluable if your case ends up going to trial. Though most personal injury cases are settled out of court, many aren’t. Unfortunately, those who don’t hire a lawyer will quickly find themselves outmatched when going up against an insurance company. That won’t happen if you have a bike accident lawyer. A good attorney can smoothly navigate trial complications and present compelling arguments that prove why you deserve compensation.
At the end of the day, there are countless things you can do to secure compensation after getting into a bicycle accident. But, hiring a qualified lawyer is undoubtedly the most important and impactful. If you’ve been injured in a bicycle accident, don’t delay. Call an experienced bicycle injury lawyer from McDivitt Law to secure your settlement.