Elementary School Contest
McDivitt Law Firm is looking for your help and creativity in promoting public safety! Starting in the fall of 2022, we are hoping to involve local elementary schools into our McDivitt Makes A Difference program.
For our inaugural McDivitt Makes A Difference Elementary School PSA Contest we are asking you to please focus on the theme of pedestrian safety. After two years of reduced events, closures, and limited commutes, we feel this a perfect opportunity for a reminder to practice safe habits as a pedestrian! This could be looking both ways, using crosswalks & pedestrian signals, jaywalking, waiting for a motorist to come to a complete stop, etc. Please feel free to get creative with your theme and messaging!
Working with their primary teacher, classrooms will work together to address pedestrian safety on a medium of their choosing. This could be in the form of posters, a safety video, brochure, diorama, or any other artistic concept that captures the requisite safety message.
McDivitt will award the overall winner with a $5000 donation to their school. Additionally, the winning classroom of each participating elementary school will receive a pizza party! We will also be featuring the artwork of students on our social media and advertising platforms! We look forward to seeing all of the creative masterpieces!
Submission deadline is January 15th, 2023
Please contact Shane Watterson at McDivitt Law Firm for questions, or for details.
303-396-6476 ext. 1508 | [email protected]