Should I go to the hospital after an accident? I’m worried about contracting COVID-19.

The global coronavirus pandemic has temporarily changed the way we live our lives and has caused new anxieties for many people. Whether it’s a trip to the grocery store or a visit to the dentist, people are starting to weigh the risks of their outings. Many are worried that going to medical facilities will put them in danger of being exposed to the virus, therefore many people have rescheduled or postponed medical procedures. These anxieties are all very understandable in such uncertain and confusing times, but we must remember that above all, your health is the most important.

Don’t Avoid the Treatment Necessary to Recover

If you have been injured in a car accident or in any emergency you should never avoid getting medical attention or even taking an ambulance to the hospital, if need be. Receiving medical treatment after being seriously injured is the most important thing you can do for yourself and your health. Tackling and treating an injury early on can be the difference between the severity and length in treatment. Another risk of waiting to seek medical attention for your injury is the degree in which it may affect your life in the long term.

What to Expect When Visiting a Medical Provider

If you are worried about visiting a hospital or medical facility because you don’t want to be exposed to the coronavirus, you should know that these facilities are taking extreme precautions to keep you safe. Since the beginning of this pandemic, hospitals have been careful to separate their facilities to specifically function for COVID infected patients, along with having a safe space for other patients to be treated.

Hospitals in Colorado are taking careful precautions to keep non-coronavirus patients safe while receiving the treatment they need. Constantly sanitizing and sterilizing is one of the obvious ways hospitals and other medical centers are keeping their patients safe. In circumstances where you will need to recover at the facility, certain hospitals have been able to provide private rooms to their patients to keep them as secluded as possible.

If you are curious about what your experience at a medical provider may look like, there is a list of links below to Colorado facilities and their current policies to keep you safe. We also encourage to visit the website of your specific provider or give them a call to learn about their policies surrounding treatment at this time.

Here are a few things to expect when visiting a hospital or healthcare provider:

  • Medical staff will be wearing appropriate PPE to keep you safe, and most facilities ask that you also wear a mask.
  • Patients that have tested positive for COVID-19 will be in a separate dedicated space to keep you safe from exposure.
  • You may be asked to take a COVID-19 test a few days prior to a scheduled procedure.
  • Visitation policies vary, but most have only minimal visitation allowed. Waiting rooms and common areas may have distancing procedures in place.

Examples of Colorado Hospitals Taking Measure to Keep Their Patients Safe

UC Health
Centura Health
Children’s Hospital Colorado
SCL St. Joseph 
Parkview Medical Center

Never Ignore or Delay Emergency Treatment

When it comes to emergency care, you should always take the treatment and medical attention very seriously. Medical providers are doing their part to keep you safe so that you can receive the appropriate care when your health is at risk or you are severely injured.

To learn more about the importance of appropriate medical treatment, especially after a car accident, click here.

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