Propecia Found To Possibly Have Permanent Side Effects

October 7, 2011

Millions of men suffer from male-pattern baldness, a progressive loss or thinning of hair from the head. Men seek treatment for the condition numerous ways. Some shave their heads and call it a day, while others look to modern medicine for the cure. A new study is showing, though, that taking certain medications may come with a lifetime of side effects.

The research conducted by George Washington University Professor, Dr. Micheal Irwig, and published in the Journal of Sexual Medicine, found that 22 percent of men in the study taking the drug Propecia suffered from persistent sexual dysfunction after stopping use of the medication. Symptoms ranged from low sexual desire and erectile dysfunction to problems with orgasm. The drug is also linked to aggressive forms of prostate and breast cancer.

It wasn’t until recently that the company that manufactures the drug, Merck, acknowledged the long lasting side effects. The company knew the same hormones the drug targets that cause hair loss are the same hormones that affect sexual function; therefore, the company knew all along of the devastating results the drug may have on patients.

The Colorado Drug Injury Lawyers with the McDivitt Law Firm are available to discuss questions you may have if you have taken a hair loss drug and suffered it’s long lasting side effects. They can be reached by simply filling out a free online consultation form.

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