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McDivitt to Provide Free Drop Stops® at Our Denver Office

To promote distracted driving awareness this month, McDivitt Law Firm will be providing Drops Stops® at our Denver location. A Drop Stop is used as a gap filler in your car to block important items from falling down between your seat and center console. This item will prevent unsafe searches of your cell phone or other items while driving. This handy tool fits in nearly all vehicles.

McDivitt wants everyone to practice safe driving while behind the wheel. Driving distracted is a leading cause in car accidents. According to the National Safety Council, from 2009 to 2011 52% of car crashes involved cellphones and that isn’t even the complete picture of how cell phones and other items distract us while driving. To promote Distracted Driving Awareness Month make sure to stop by our Denver office for a Drop Stop and always keep your eyes on the road!

How to get your Drop Stop

Visit the lobby of McDivitt at 1401 17th St., Suite 500, Denver, CO 80202, and simply ask for one.

Please note, McDivitt will only provide one Drop Stop per person, and we will only be giving them away as supplies last.

Be sure to also check out the following in support of Distracted Driving Awareness Month:




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