David McDivitt Returns to KKTV to Answer Viewers’ Newest Questions Surrounding COVID-19

KKTV has invited David McDivitt several times in recent weeks to answer questions from the public about changes to their daily lives during the COVID-19 pandemic.

Can my employer require me to wear a mask at work? What about checking my temperature at work?

Yes, your employer may require you to wear a mask in the workplace, but they are also required to provide you the mask or pay you a reimbursement for purchasing one.
The EOC and CDC now permits that employers check their employee’s temperature at work.

Can a business be held liable if it doesn’t ask its employees to wear masks in places like grocery stores where there is frequent foot traffic?

There could be potential for legal recourse, but it probably would not be a strong claim. There is not as much weight behind the recommendation of masks, as the recommendation on how to respond when an employee has been infected with the virus.

What legal recourse will healthcare workers have for being exposed to the virus?

If a worker in Colorado is infected by any infectious disease while at work, they may have a Workers’ Compensation claim. The important part will be meeting the standard of proving that they contracted the virus while at work.
Pinnacol Assurance, one of the largest Workers’ Compensation benefit providers, has implemented a wage replacement scheme for first responders and healthcare workers. If these workers end up having to quarantine and cannot work, they may be eligible for wages up to 14 days.

Parents are very concerned about planning for a scenario in which they contract the virus. What is the most important thing parents can do right now with estate planning?

The most important thing parents should do is set up a plan for who will have guardianship over the children if they become incapacitated, or unfortunately pass away. This should be outlined in a document specifically instructing who they want to be the guardian for the children.
Another important consideration would be putting together a will. David recommends speaking to an estate planning attorney, but in Colorado you only need a handwritten will for it be valid. You don’t need a witness if it is handwritten, but if any part of it is typed you will need one.
For either of these documents, you should make sure that whoever is entrusted with the responsibility of administering your arrangements is aware and has access to the documents.

For David’s other appearances on KKTV click on the links below:


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