CDOT Developing New Smartphone App To Warn Drivers Of Conditions

Cell phone use behind the wheel is becoming a hot topic of debate in regards to motorist safety these days. But the Colorado Department of Transportation (CDOT) is trying to make the devices more of an ally by developing an application that will alert drivers to traffic conditions on state roads.

Colorado’s 9 News reported today that CDOT spokeswoman, Stacey Stegman, the smartphone application is in the early stages of development. Stegman confirmed that a contract for the creation of the application would be awarded to a private firm early next year. Then, the product should be available for preliminary testing along the Interstate 70 mountain corridor next summer. Upon testing completion, officials hope the application will be up and running by Memorial Day of next year.

In addition to warning motorists of upcoming stops and delays in traffic, the application would also offer suggestions for alternate routes, stops, and entertainment along the way.

More than 20 percent of accidents in the state of Colorado in 2008 were the result of distracted driving and accounted for the loss of 6,000 lives.

The Colorado Car Accident Lawyers with the McDivitt Law Firm urge drivers to protect themselves and others while behind the wheel by refraining from texting or talking while driving. Putting the phone down is the best way to ensure your attention stays on the road.

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