No Fees Until You Win!
Tom Zichterman, CTO Helps Level the Playing Field with Advanced Technology

McDivitt and Technology

Using cutting-edge technologies, McDivitt Law Firm meets the growing challenges of our cases, and when you choose McDivitt you can leverage that technology to make a difference in winning your case.

Law practice on the go

Our firm provides mobility and access to our attorney and support staff so that customer information is readily available in our offices or at the courthouse. We use a combination of powerful remote access software and hardware to make sure that data is always available safely and securely.

Keeping things straight

“Everything we do with technology is with an eye toward a better client experience,” our Chief Technology Officer, Tom Zichterman says. “We use state of the art practice management software and server systems that allow us to track all case activity throughout the firm. This is beneficial in two ways: everyone within the firm helps to win cases and we won’t miss important deadlines.”

Tom G. Zichterman - McDivitt Law Firm

Tom Zichterman

Chief Technology Officer

People are the key

Keeping technology current and relevant is a moving target that only the best people can hit. Our technology capabilities are enhanced by our outstanding Information Technology Department which supports our remote access capabilities, document intake and creation, and network and computer systems 24/7.

Safe and secure

When your case is with McDivitt, your data is safe with us. We take every precaution that your personal information is secured. Documents are protected by our secure document management system within our specially designed network operating center.